Friday, October 12, 2018

1(k)NPS Approach

Denhart & Denhart wrote a book in 2002 entitled the "New Public Service-serving not steering" This book prompted the theme/argument that steering idea of NPM had an inherent limitation because it tends to give the government a detached role which is not the best way to ensure and promote the public interest. The other model that was almost parallel to NPS was public governance model by Werner Jam.

NPS refutes NPM eliticism

NPS is more inclined towards -Public service/Public governance-Good Governance

Thus, These two Models ie..Public Governance model and Public Service Model originated around the same time and captured this thematic shift from public management to public service and eventually laid the foundation for Good Governance Concept.

Extension Of NPM- 

  • Governing Network-Gold Smith and Eggers
  • Government by Hire-Paul C.Light
  • Flattening Government by-Carolyn Hill


  • Denhart and Den-hart argued that the steering /facilitative role may end up facilitating the few rather than masses. 
  • Thus they further argued that NPS is a perspective which is against the marginalization of government and its role and against the marginalization of the common citizen.

  • In fact, Denhart and Denhart suggested that NPS model reminds the NPA theme of the late 1960s because it had certain core ideas which are closer to NPA namely-

  •  A significant role for government and core concern for common citizen rather than paying affluent /elite class.
However, Nicholas Henry himself chooses to bunch NPS model within broad NPM theme where it still has some similarity with NPM namely

a) using the private/business approach in public sector
b)Pro-efficiency concerns in public administration and
c)Pro-citizen/customer orientation 

Denhart and Denhart pointed out that if the government is reduced to just a marginal player then its a democracy diminishing trend because it tends to reduce the voice of a common man in the administrative process and create a government more inclined for classes, not masses.

As a result , NPS model recommended as under

a)A philosophy of serving rather than steering ie..not just private dominated institutional pluralism but a bigger role of government so as to ensure public Interest.

This role of government which was de-emphasized earlier by NPM was re-Emphasized by NPS model.

b)Recommendation to listening to the public rather than telling to public ie..promotion of the concept of co-governance and the concept of ethics in an administration where people would be involved and there concerns considered at foremost top priority.
Thus despite a re-emphasis to the government role, it doesn't recommend or tolerate reversal to unitary bureaucratic and slow performing administration.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Globalization refers to a process by which an inward-looking economy converts itself into the outward-looking economy so as to
a)integrate better with international markets
b)learn from international experiences
c)compete internationally so as to give itself advantage of global integration.

In this context, it would be visualized an inward economy will have features

  • self-sufficiency
  • protection to domestic industries
  • barrier to others
  • production for self-market
Outward economy features-
  • interdependency/integration
  • global competition favoured
  • production is for others as well as part from the self


It creates prerequisite for International competition. By very nature, globalization needs to integrate and competition among economy. The feature of International competition necessitates a focus on certain pre-requisite which public administration in any country would now require to adopt ie.
prerequisite for

  • cost control
  • productivity consciousness
  • technological upgradation
  • adaptation on international best practices
In other words, the global economy and the operation of interconnected government not only facilitates international competition and comparison but also bring public administration in any country under public scrutiny the light of international people compare and demand an administration which is conscious of cost, quality, speed, user-friendliness, and other best practices.

In other words, the global economy and the operation of interconnected government not only facilitate international comparison but also bring public administration in any country under public scrutiny the light of international comparison -people compare and demand an administration which is conscious of cost, quality, speed, user-friendliness and other best practices.

Impact of globalisation

  • One of the major offshoots of globalization is the IT and specifically the internet. It has opened up an enormous opportunity for administrative improvement through information dissemination through inner transparency
  • convenience
  • accessibility
  • the speed of service delivery 
  • citizenship participation in the various process through the various interface like G2C and C2G.
Administrative Agencies and government department are increasingly adopting e-gov theme in a big way to improve various parameters like speed, transparency, accountability and participation.

Challenges Caused by Globalization

Challenges of context sensitivity -the biggest challenges of public administration caused by globalization are the threat created by the possibility of global administrative mono-culture ie..the possibility that a single model or limited setup theories may start getting propagated as a universally applicable model.

In other words, there are tendencies of
1)Forcible imposition of western or USA centric ideas
2)blind aping or mindless imports by local administrative planner /experts in the borrowing countries.

Further, it has already been debated that the multilateral aid agency like World Bank often propagates in the form of aid conditionality either to promote their commercial interest or to propagate their ideology.

In this context Christopher Hood as observed as under
"Even the global village is culturally plural and not homogeneous meaning thereby that the world under the impact of globalisation may have become compact as a village but culturally it's heterogeneous.

Thus, the main challenge is"How to think globally and act locally"
In other words, the challenge is how to apply global learning to suit the contextual requirements.

b)Challenge of cultural globalisation-globalisation has brought a focus on specialised tasks for the administration which earlier as never seen a core part of the administration but now a crucial part of bad. These specialised administrative tasks of the global world

  • global security and war against terrorism
  • law and order challenges because of increasing crime rate including cybercrime
  • environmental concerns warming
  • Health issues especially in the light of global pandemic
  • the issue of gender sensitivity

These issues bring to the forefront the requirement of global networking and corporation among different government and administration. Further, the administration of one country needs to develop greater negotiations and collaborative skills to achieve twin objective of guarding national interests by contributing to national interests.

c)Challenges of global Accountability-
Its now being increasingly observed that in the globalised world. Justice and accountability have become a major concern. It has been noted there is the tendency of global criticism whereby some block of powerful countries tend to dominate the world order and world forum.
Its argued that quite often the voice of third world countries are often suppressed and their economic and developmental issues are sidelined.

In this context-
Joseph Stiglitz has noted
"Globalization can promote development but can create poverty. Global justice and accountability become major issues because there exists the possibility of global governance without global government"

It also needs to be seen that inbuilt within the challenges of globalisation are the challenges of liberalisation and privatisation. As a result Pbad in any nation has to be accordingly reinvented, re-engineered, pluralised, networked and fine-tuned.