Friday, July 20, 2018

Wilson's Vision of Public Administration

2.Pubad to be less Unbussiness Like

  • Wilson Wanted Pubad to be less unbusiness like iee it should adopt the virtues of efficiency, promptness and economy as applicable to business administration. 
  • He was critical of the govt functioning being unbusiness like in the sense that it was 
  1. politicized 
  2. corrupt
  3. illogically populist.
  • He argued that these unbusiness like traits should be replaced by more business like traits namely -economy, efficiency, speed and merit.

  • To distinguish Goals and Means of govt, and Business , he used "less unbusiness like rather than more business like".
  • Further, he argued that just as an efficient business organisation seeks some critical central concerns or effect, efficiency and economy...good govt. administartive oragnisation should also have these central concerns.
  • In this sense Pubad has alot to draw from business adminstration so as to become more business like ie..less populist and more concerned with its efficient pursuit of its own business
  • However, wilson clarified that there were some fundamental differences between the way business administration operates and the way Public administartion operates.
  • he said-"Government is nt business, its organic life" meaning thereby that fundamental "consequence of government functioning " are sharply different from the way private business administration functions.

In other words there were fundamental differences in their respective goals and by organic life he suggested that government adminisatration has

a)more diverse goals
b)more dynamic goals
c)more humane goals.

"PSUs took initiative for development , private sector came to play later-seeing the profit-Best employeris railway"

"Means can be copied but goals are different"

In other words -As compared to Business goals which are homogeneous, static and commercial, the goals of government is diverse, dynamic and humane and oriented towards social good rather than profit maximisation.

Public administration can be more business like but its nit business in the sense that lot of efficient methods, techniques and ideas which make business administration efficient can be imported and replicated in P.A.

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